What We Do
Since 2015, we've offered the most complete, up-to-date affiliate data feed of coupons and code you'll find anywhere.
1,500+ product deals
Major discount, free shipping, promo code, today only!
Take advantage of 1,500+ daily deals. These savings help shoppers save big while shopping online.
150,000+ codes
Sitewide markdowns and online discounts available now!
Source coupons for more than 5,000 US & Canadian affiliate stores and 2,000+ non-affiliate stores like CVS, IKEA and more!
200,000+ expired
Sometimes expired coupons still work, so you might as well give them a try!
We’re the only feed to offer every expired coupon for the last year for 4,000 favourite stores.
600,000+ total offers
We’re confident in our coupon feed. If you don’t believe us, check our competitors!
Post content that will take your website to the next level. We specialize in coupons that are hard to find and maintain.
About US
We're the reason you'll stop worrying about affiliate coupon content.
Overpriced feeds run by college kids surfing the internet to find the best coupon content is a thing of the past. This strategy leads to low revenue and high bounce rates, which are undoubtedly hurting your website. The truth is, users are finding better content on your competitor sites, and those competitors are probably outranking you, too. As the logic for affiliate coupons on a store's homepage improves, consumer emails are 10x more complex. Retailers will show different coupons on their homepage based on a variety of factors, including the location of your IP address, if you're logged in vs. logged out, if you're a new visitor, or if you've completed a transaction or not.
Fortunately, FeedYou.Coupons is here to help strengthen your strategy. We offer the most extensive coupon feed you'll find on the internet. Home to up to 1,000 non-affiliate sites and up to 5,000 paid advertisers, we guarantee affiliate content for stores like Abercrombie, Lululemon, Papa John's, TGI Fridays and Zappos.
Looking for specific deals? Coupons are categorized using 50+ categories (Shoes, Travel) and 500+ subcategories (Sandals, Heels, Hotels, Flights). There are six standard classes of coupons available, including sale, deal, in-store, free shipping, sitewide and general offer. Class mapping and ongoing, custom tags are both free.
All coupons are tested by experts to ensure they are valid. Offers are manually added 12 hrs/day and systematically added 24/7, 6 days a week from January to October and 18hrs/day, 7 days a week from November to December.
Accuracy Rating
Our three tiered approach to testing is unparalleled in the industry
Indexing Time Rating
Fresh really doesn't even begin to describe our feeds
Breadth of Content
98.6% of all affiliate stores
100% of the stores you wantof your competitors
are using one of our three feeds
In-person support & feed customization available upon request.
Global email support in English, Romanian, Czech and Russian.
$30,000/month coupon feeds don't need to publish client lists.
Coupon Feed Geniuses! And, about to become your favourite people on earth.




Available PACKAGES
We're not the cheap coupon feed, we're the best coupon feed.
- 2,500 affiliate stores
- 300 non-affiliate stores
- 15,000 codes
- 200 deals
- active & expired coupons
- 14 coupon sources
- 125,000 total coupons
- 3,500 affiliate stores
- 1,000 non-affiliate stores
- 35,000 codes
- 1,000 deals
- active & expired coupons
- 21 coupon sources
- 350,000 total coupons
Black Card
- 7,500+ affiliate stores
- 2,000+ non-affiliate stores
- 150,000+ codes
- 1,500+ deals
- active & expired coupons
- 26 coupon sources
- 600,000 total coupons
- All coupon conent is rewritten monthly for SEO